
~Science Writers We, Virginia & Me~
There's a pulse and it's live and it's different,
And I sense that it beats in us both.
We know what intrigues us: cold science-
And warmly we write of its growth...
Its growth and its place in this vast world!
This earth of a spin science-spun,
Where daily technology marches
Under watch of the moon and the sun.
This moon and that sun, they are beauteous.
Their rays bring new light to dark times
Just as our vibrant words will embrace this-
This science that unites mankind.
~Make Yourself~
In your element, you can be
as fierce and as fast as your will can see.
push your heart to burst,
endure keen pain, ignore plain thirst,
surge through trials,
and sweat through hills,
embracing heat,
imbibing chills
To make yourself
As diamond-hard
As any king
On any card.
This is your hand--
Why would you play
Like other winners of today?
If they are special,
So are you-
If special all,
Is any true?
The only way that you should sleep
Is knowing that your talent’s deep,
And deeply-worked
And longly-saught
And carved in ways
Others are not.
The greatest thing that you can do
is carve a unique, fiercesome you.
So carve, my friend, and I’ll stand by,
encourage with a loving eye…
And you can know, behind the scenes,
I’m loving carving unique-me.
2 i's in a "vision";
They belong to the word.
2 eyes on a vision...
They belong 2 me!
and to this
Infinite energy,
This zealous intent,
That's riding the crests of our youths,
Mmm, let us learn, and
Oh! let us grow.
4 there's so much 2 love,
And wavelengths 2 know.
~Primitive Elegant~
Exists such a glow?
One wild as wolf tracks,
One gentle as snow…
Can the same swift steps that race ‘neath the moon
Waltz, graceful-light, to the violin’s tune?
Does snow-pearl skin, unaccustomed to earth
Blaze like skin bronzed after riverside mirth?
And how do they join,
Fair-mannered & fierce?
Can such distinct spirits
Share one gorgeous sphere?...
So that when coalesced,
They’d sing songs of merge,
With lines painting Venice,
but still praising birds.
On pine-lined paths I forge crystal dreams;
My pulse pushes fast at silk-sand-woven seams.
I’ll race you, bear-lightning.
I’ll pace you, harp-song.
Primitve elegant?
It’s here lived,
all along
~Innocence 4 Wisdom~
Hawks in her arteries,
Eagles in her eyes…
All her life
They’ve stretched their wings
And lead to swift surprise.
And though they’ve done this boldy,
Catching others’ sight,
They’ve not yet
Done it wildly,
Nor flown aggressive flight.
But now their pulse is quickened.
Their blood beats colder, too.
They’ve learned to soar
With shielded hearts;
Winds changed in knowing you.
(adapted from John Mosefield's "Sea-Fever")
I must go down to the seas again
For the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and clear call
That may not be denied.
I’ll sail down to the seas again
To that wild-hearted life
To the whale’s way and the gull’s way
Where the wind’s a whetted knife.
And I’ll wear summer stars in evening eyes
Drink sea breezes with lime
And cherish every sun-kissed step
Of a wave-licked summertime.
Dare 2 speak
And I ensure
That others content
2 endure
The dim of dismal timid more
Will secret-silently implore
For yet a sparkling waves-worth more
Of the vibrant starlit shore
That is your radiant spirit,
That does 4ever soar!
Suddenly in summer steps when I was wild-walking,
Free as foam on wave crests,
Not looking and not knowing,
A new sun… !
It crested hills of forethought, warming sweet-cooled notions
Speckling me with light that I’d thought set,
In calmer oceans.
This sun, it burned a liking burn!
With playful rays of blink,
And extensions of such mention
Behind bright bronzing wink…
Though I was slow to notice, Yes.
Wrapped in beams of winter-spring.
And this sun,
it seeks to roll in grass!
To tumble, sing, and play.
It’s warmed me on the tennis court;
It’s kissed me, end of day.
Alive its light makes other steps!
Giving color, taking chill…
Where-how-why did it arrive right here?
I’ll ask it, yes I will.
No, I did not just now know,
In this wild-walking June
How simple-fast a face of sun
Could shoot me to the moon.
Goodnight!That moon amazes me
But for the sun I sleep.
4 this aura-sphere of lively-hot
That’s summer-sprung on me
~Sangria Night~
on cobble streets
in spanish heat
two sets of feet went walking
and stopped
in shade of Giralda
so lips could halt their talking
to sip the red and deep and dark
the night flavor, sangria!
a nectar of the old-world Spain…
Long live summer-Sevilla!
~Gettysburg College Commencement 2005~
(2 my classmates)
Gettysburg, you're looking good.
Your caps, your gowns, your smiles,
This sparkle you give off today...
It's going to take you miles.
It's exponential, your potential.
Could not graph it on Excel.
The input range would shoot the moon;
The output- hard to tell.
You've lived 4 years of orange and blue
They've tempted your mind's palette.
Now you're striding off to paint the world.
And shape it with your mallet.
Shall we take a moment here in May
To envision what you'll do?
A ragin' sea of possibility!
Hold on, I beg of you-
You may start slowly... you might race!
Take the time you need.
Not many days will grace the clock
Before you find your speed.
Your skills are many, Gettysburg.
Take a speedy stock.
The liberal arts have laced you well,
From economist to jock.
Yes, CEO is quite your color.
Film director fits you, too.
You could operate in every state.
Design condos in Peru.
Stitched with versatility
You think critically and long.
But you're also quite adept at
Javascript and improv song.
So when you start, wherever you are,
In an office, on a track.
You'll be armed with all the talents
That a Gburg degree packs.
And other souls may get caught up
In that nine to five-ish thing.
But you will "do great work" each day;
You'll make those moments sing!
And when the boss does fret and shout,
"This company needs vision!
Our motto hasn't changed in years-
Our ideas lack precision."
You'll be on top of this endeavor
And stroll up to his door-
"Ideas you've got?" the boss will say.
Why, I've got twenty-four.
Meanwhile the names of co-workers
Will all be ones you know.
You'll greet your fellow office mates
Like Esther at servo.
One day one May you might say, Hey!
I think I'll go explore.
You'll hop a plane to Ireland;
Bike 'round an Irish moor.
And on the trail you'll pass some kids
Fighting with their tent;
You'll fix that thing up with finesse;
Your GRAB days were well-spent.
On British Air, as you jet home,
You'll make a new connection.
The Frenchman in the next seat down
Is off to a convention...
He's in the business your in.
He asks you for your card.
That French you studied in McKnight
Made that far from hard.
And suddenly the pilot
Announces from the front
"This plane has turned around about!
We've hit a violent front."
Several hours after hearing this,
Your plane lands in Dubai.
Your non-western had you dreaming this
While others start to cry.
And if you've not already,
One noon you might be strolling
And catch a glimpse of him! (or her!)
Your heart will set to rolling.
Love will prove a wild spark~
For it is equal art and game.
Marriage may be in your cards;
Solo flight may light your flame.
And when your son plays Shakespeare
And needs medieval garments
Costume-design skills are at hand.
Thank you, liberal arts requirements!
From Natural Light to Crystal Light,
Your beverage tastes may alter.
But memories of spring fest days
Will never ever falter.
So sweet years will dance from one to next
And one day you'll be eighty,
Sitting on your favorite swing
With your favorite man or lady...
You've just returned from swing dance class.
It's time to feed the yak.
Your 9 iron needs polishing.
But you stop... and ponder back...
Through four scores of life lived so full
You could not have fit more in.
A cool peace overwhelms you now,
From your toes up to your chin.
It was 2005 when you set sail, alive
Liberated by liberal arts.
You persisted in creativity
Through a million ends & starts...
* * *
Yes, today's start is a special one.
Let's step up to the line...
The gun's been fired, Gettysburg.
It is our time to shine.
~Warm Fusion~
Metal cold-
Precision in this place,
Of acid and fire,
Where you lift higher
Every element’s possibility-
Where you synthesize
Products from particles
That otherwise rest alone.
What’s the greatest thing you’ll ever learn?
Chance it.
You pour solutions into cylinders
And your eyes light up.
Your passion is fashioned in proteins.
Pleasure is knowing their properties.
Promise is in their potential.
You will not break the promise to yourself
To conquer knowledge new.
Dedicated you,
Seeking delta for the world.
And in the midst,
Would you nanosecond-venture
A new experiment?
Would you risk?
And pour your solution
Out of you, into flesh?
Would you chance the burn
That could accompany
What some might call the sweetest periodic fire?
You ask "how to measure
love against finding the cure for cancer, which would permit
to experience
this love."
There is no balance to weigh my answer, but
Could love not be a
in the reaction that is your noble pursuit of novel chemistry?
Could not embracing its emotion awaken you further and
pathways of thought, otherways blocked & dead?
Or do u see love as simple distraction, preventing great reactions
From dancing in your head?
Love’s equation is variable-ridden.
There is no control.
The solution’s hidden.
It is physical, it is organic-
Dare to chance a chem romantic?
No, it’s not perfect.
And there is no proof.
Though it is proven
That one must
Improvise, compromise, fling safety glass from cautious eyes…
Stakes are high. This is true;
Love might combust, unless you trust
The bluest flames, embrace their pulse,
Let them hurl you high & inspire
Perspire in Kelvin you never knew…
And Oh! To feel what the Hydrogen knows
When it dances and basks in the Oxygen’s glow;
Unquenchable sigma.
Perhaps that which is greater than this
Is less than life’s discovered.
Would you risk to bond?
But wait, scientist -
you risk everyday…Yes.
So, perhaps the truth spun down is resolute solute:
My elements do not have the
Perfection you’d require
To kindle such life fire.
And perhaps you theorize
A chemistry of little size
To be yielded in mixing of “Me” + “U”.
May be true.
And I could accept this notion of null, I could.
For chemistry is not to be forced. It is natural-beautiful in its spontaneity.
I’d agree,
For I feel its radiance within me! Its entropy…
And existing in an excited state,
I seek simply to wholly radiate
This electric-shine-mine before considering to combine
In a thunderbolt compound.
And, thus, I could comprehend your precipitations
Of desires
for thunder of another color,
for electricity not found in “Me”,
But easily innate in an isotope of “Her”.
Reactions flow this way.
And again, the monatomic state
Might be the wavelength
you appreciate.
This, too, can glow an oh-so-great!
But sometimes I think deeper, too, and conjecture otherwise, I do.
It is the method scientific;
Let me be a bit specific-
My hypothesis ensuing?
You might be closed,
unsure, or just afraid
to expose
your beta sheets to my alpha particles…
So that I can’t help but speculate
What reaction could precipitate,
If two orbitals of beating heart
Were prevented from pulsing apart.
I wonder if you then would find
The warmest fusion of all time.
& I wonder if
could help you change the world…