Monday, March 27, 2006


Semana Santa in Seville: "A blend of the sacred and profane."

-New York Times, 3/26/06

"I have long believed that any man interested in either the mystic or romantic aspects of life must sooner or later define his attititue concerning Spain."
- James Michener, Iberia

Te echo de menos, Sevilla.


Friday, March 24, 2006


A quick, sweet line. Mighty fine:

"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." --HDT

I aspire.


Thursday, March 23, 2006


--Betting on a Winner—Combination Biotherapies for Cancer--

"The beauty of this approach is that replication is constrained in CIK cells and rapid in tumor targets."
Chris Contag, Stanford University

Treating cancer may soon be a matter of finding the best horse and the best jockey for the job. Researchers have saddled a cancer-killing virus on the back of a tumor-targeting immune cell in one of the most powerful attempts yet to win the race against cancer. Their result illustrates the potential for improved cancer treatment through targeted biological therapies.

Most current cancer treatments, like chemotherapy, are unable to distinguish healthy cells from cancerous ones. They end up killing hair cells or cells that line the gut. Other therapies, like immune cell-based cancer treatments that are primed against certain tumor molecues, don't often generate a sufficiently strong anti-tumor response because they are not effective against a variety of tumor cells. A new wave of cancer treatments, however, could skirt these issues. These treatments, known targeted biological therapies, build on known methods of combining cancer-killing viruses with immune cells, which move unhindered through the body, delivering their viral cargo to tumors while leaving nearby healthy cells alone. However, even though these targeted therapies hold much promise, their use has been limited. Injection of engineered viruses into the bloodstream can be inefficient because these viruses may leave their immune host too soon and be eliminated by an immune response or infect noncancerous cells, so that only a small fraction of them is delivered to any given tumor.

Now virologists at Stanford University led by Steve Thorne have found a way to deliver sufficient amounts of cancer-killing virus straight to tumor cells. At present, the immune cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells and the vaccinia virus are the "best in class." CIKs cells, unlike other types of immune cells, target a variety of tumors. They are also capable of carrying their viral cargo deep into tumor tissue, where it can't harm surrounding healthy cells.

Meanwhile, the vaccinia virus, which has had a long history as a vaccine for smallpox, is perfectly suited for cell destruction, and the Stanford team’s move to place it in CIKs has restricted its replication to tumors. That’s because, like other viruses, vaccinia can replicate in an immune cell host, but as Thorne found when he infected CIK cells with the virus, its replication in this immune cell is delayed. The vaccinia virus completes its life cycle in stages in the CIK host, saving a rapid burst of replication until 48 or 72 hours after infection, compared to 4-8 hours in other cell types. Since it remains hidden in the CIK cell until interaction with the tumor cells, it is more potent.

Targeting is also more efficient with this super duo; as reported in the March 24th issue of Science, 48 hours after Thorne injected the virus-infected CIK cells into mice, he detected very little virus in any other organ besides the tumor, and the virus was replicating deep inside it. When the virus was delivered alone, on the other hand, it did not burrow far enough into the tumor to be effective. To prove that neither individual CIK nor vaccinia would have been as effective as the combined effort, Thorne injected each as single therapies. While only 1 out of 8 total mice survived longer when treated with just CIK or just the virus, survival was significantly increased for 6 out of 8 mice with the combined therapy.

"This is an excellent example of how combination cancer therapies can have additive effects," says Inder Verma, a geneticist at The Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calfornia. "I think this is the way of future cancer treatments."



Omega 3: The “Heart Friendly” Fat?

[also appearing on NPR's site, in light of a Nature Biotech study on genetically engineered omega-3 fatty acids]

Bacon doesn’t have a very good reputation when it comes to a healthy diet. But now, scientists are aiming to make bringing home the bacon – and some other fatty meats – a little healthier. In the current issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology, a team of scientists report they’ve genetically engineered pigs to produce higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids – a kind of fat believed to reduce the risk of heart disease.

What is omega 3 fat?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a kind of polyunsaturated fat found in certain kinds of fish and plants. Your body doesn’t make omega 3, so you have to eat it. Omega 3 comes in three forms, known as DHA, EPA, and ALA. Scientists have been most interested in the potentially beneficial effects of combinations of DHA and EPA. In general, the standard American diet is thought to contain too little omega 3 fat, relative to another type called omega 6.

Why is omega 3 believed to be “heart friendly”?

Several decades ago, researchers noticed that people living in the Arctic who had diets rich in omega 3 also had low rates of heart disease. Since then, several large studies have found more evidence of a link, according to the American Heart Association. Studies have also suggested that people at risk for coronary heart disease benefit from consuming omega-3. One prominent theory is that the fat reduces the inflammation of tissues that is linked to heart disease.

What foods contain this “good” fat?

Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high omega-3s. Tofu and oils made from canola, walnut and flaxseed are also good sources. You can also buy omega 3 supplements.
It isn’t clear how much omega 3 you need to ingest to get benefits, according to the Heart Association, although it recommends eating two fatty fish meals a week. It also warns that ingesting too much of an omega 3 supplement can lead to health problems, such as excessive bleeding.

Are scientists trying to engineer other animals to produce omega 3?

Yes. In 2004, researchers at Massachusetts’s General Hospital reported engineering a worm gene that successfully produced levels of omega 3 when transferred to mice. And scientists are investigating other methods for engineering larger animals, such as cows and chickens, so they can make meat, eggs, and milk rich in omega-3.


Sunday, March 19, 2006


--The Strings--
[2 one of my favorite authors]

The strings that stretch between our minds comprise my own string theory:
The world is made of souls and saints and visions to love dearly,
But while I give and receive hues from those I know and knew,
The symmetry of boldest shade is often strung to you.

It’s not something I can explain, nor do I know its source.
I know it thrills me day to day and keeps me on high course.
It keeps your image in my mind; your words in its recessess,
And every whisp and whim of you it in my mind impresses.

You encompass spans of space, though you are not near.
You exert a force on me when miles split our sphere.
I am charged electric at the thought that someday soon
A rendezvous of time yours-mine will rest us 'neath one moon.

As quantum strings have tension, much like regular strings of twine,
I feel it's fundamental to the strings' path, yours to mine.
String theory is in larval stage, unable to be tested,
Just as I believe that our best strings will have yet to be bested


Saturday, March 18, 2006


From Impulse to Instrument: Cochlear Implants Come to Be

[beginning only!]

Modern cochlear implants were born in the 1950’s, but the first electrical experiments to improve hearing actually began over 200 years before that, in picturesque Como, Italy, when Count Alessandro Volta put 2 metal rods in his head and used his own invention, the electric battery, to pass a current between his ears. As electricity surged into his skull,Volta heard a noise like a “thick, boiling soup.” He was trying to understand the relationship between tissue and metals, and the electric current that was produced when they touched, and in doing so,Volta had shown that stimulating the auditory system with an electrical impulse could create perception of sound. Volta had done so, however, by stimulating the wrong part of the auditory system, the cochlea. Prior to 1950 in fact, all attempts to create hearing with current made this mistake; instead of bypassing the nonfunctional organ, they electrically stimulated the cochlea, or whatever was left of it, by acting on a few, remaining, intact cochlear hair cells.

In 1950, however, the French hit a nerve. While attempting to help a deaf man whose inner ear was riddled with tumors, French otolaryngologist Charles Eyriès teamed up with a biophysicist named André Djourno. Djourno had had extensive experience in stimulating nerves with metal wires, and Eyries was eager to try this kind of neural stimulation in the ear of his patient. During the operation, the two decided to implant a wire-wrapped iron rod under the skin and close to the remaining end of the deaf man’s acoustic nerve. They connected the rod to a circuit and the patient reported hearing sounds like "roulette wheels and crickets.” Together, the otolaryngologist and the biophysicist had proved a connection between neural, not cochlear, stimulation and perception of sound that would lay the framework for formation of modern implants. But Eyries and Djourno did not pursue implant research further. Instead, an otologist a continent away in California picked up where the French team left off.

In 1957, a patient rushed to the Los Angeles office of Dr. William House bearing a newspaper article that claimed a once totally deaf patient in France could now hear due to an electrical device— the device implanted by Dijourno and Eyries. House became interested in restoring hearing with electricty and after translating their paper from French to English, attempted to make similar mechanisms himself. He implanted them into three patients in 1961, but the devices worked only briefly before being hampered by technical barriers. The electronics of the process had eluded House. Also, the insulating material he had used to cover the metal in these makeshift implants was being rejected by the patient’s body. Neurophysiologists rejected House’s ideas, too; he was treading on their cochlear turf, which bread hostility, and they were also skeptical of his method since they thought electrical currents near the deafened cochlea would destroy remaining nerve tissue.

In 1969, however, the outlook for House’s work into hearing restoration improved. That year, an innovative engineer named Jack Urban became interested in the idea of cochlear implants, and he offered House help. As House explained in his memoir, My Perspective, each of these men brought important skills to the table: “My orientation was the selection of the patients and the surgical approach for implants,” House said, “and Jack applied his genius for electronics to the problems we faced.” They tried many different systems of stimulating the cochlea. Over time, though, House and Urban actually had most success with a method in which they put precisely the same signal into the electrode, rather than trying to sort sound by frequency before it reached that point. The electrode would do resolving and sifting of frequencies in sound, before presenting them to the acoustic nerve. In 1969, while fitting their deaf patients with models using this technique, House and Urban were excited to see that they responded, that they perceived the sensation of sound. They would walk out of House’s laboratory moments after surgery and point to objects—like birds—whose sounds they could actually hear. The otologist-engineer team had created the first successful, wearable cochlear implant. It used a single electrode and was designed mostly to aid lip-reading and House was adamant about Urban’s contribution to this milestone: “I firmly believe that without Jack, cochlear implants would have taken many more years to develop. Many of us owe him an unpayable debt of gratitude.”
But even though House’s patients were hearing, skepticism lingered. For those who had not actually seen the patients, the belief that cochlear implants had limited potential was common. Neurophysiologists, like Harvard’s prominent Nelson Kiang, felt that a single-electrode device could not really produce hearing, but only a kind of buzzing. “Dr. Kiang felt strongly,” House explained in his memoir, “that if an electric field was generated around the neural tissue in the inner ear, the nerve fibers would all fire, go into a refractory state, and then fire again repeatedly for as long as the stimulation lasted.” But those House had implanted proved otherwise; they had heard more than a buzzing caused by wires in the head. They’d heard something caused by the outside, like the sound made by the chirping birds, which only a functional implant could have permitted. With his patients’ stories to buoy him, House requested to present his preliminary anecdotal findings at a national meeting. “I was turned down on the basis that reporters would be [there],” House wrote, “and that their reports of the implant would cause otologists to have to contend with a flood of patients with unrealistic expectations.” Finally, however, in 1973, The American Otological Society’s Saint Louis meeting held a session on cochlear implants.

After that, the pace of progress quickened, mostly due to Australian researcher Graeme Clark. He sought to take implants, then single-electrode devices, to the next level and toyed with the idea of putting multiple electrodes inside. This move to more electrodes would provide more “notes” for deaf ears, and make their perception of sound closer to that of a normal person’s. Clark’s experiments were successful, and in 1978, a resident of Melbourne named Rod Saunders become the first person in the world to receive a multi-electrode cochlear implant...


Friday, March 17, 2006


Getting More Bang for our Bite: Fast Transforming Strawberries Pave Way for Vitamin-Packed Fruit

The food pyramid is a guideline, not a lost monument in Egypt. But it
would seem so from the way people discount it, eating ridiculously low amounts of fruits and vegetables for example, especially in the West. Now, a superfast method of introducing DNA into strawberries could compensate for this by helping scientists to identify key genes, like those involved in antioxidiant production, so as to pack more nutrition into each berry, however few, that humans bite.

Strawberries, like all fruits, provide compounds that are essential to life. They are a major source of
phytochemicals, which reduce cancer risk, and they also happen to be an especially important source of vitamin C. Strawberries actually provide more of this vitamin than an orange would.

But even though strawberries pack a lot of nutritional punch, scientists say these fleshy, red fruits could be engineered to produce even more. That would be an important step towards improving human health since strawberries are widely consumed; in the list of the world’s economically important crops, their family—the Rosaceae family—ranks third.

Until now, however, though scientists have been able to engineer foods like corn and soybeans, they haven’t been able to touch the genome of the commercial strawberry. Its cumbersome size—8 sets of chromosomes— and lengthy life cycle have made this fruit more difficult to transform than others. Transformation, a process which introduces foreign DNA into a genome, must occur for scientists to identify genes and understand their functions. All previous attempts at transformation in strawberries have failed though. And since scientists can’t identify which strawberry genes do what, they surely haven’t been able to engineer them.

This month, however, molecular biologists at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia, report the development of a method of transformation that’s both fast and thorough, transforming 95% of berries involved and doing it relatively quickly, in just 4 months. “This method introduces DNA into lots of strawberries extremely effciently so that we get a large crop of mutants,” said lead investigator Vladimir Shulaev.

Shulaev and his colleagues achieved this efficiency for two reasons. First, they used a simpler berry. All strawberries have 7 basic chromosomes in common and vary only in number of chromosome sets. While the commercial strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, has 8 sets, the species Shulaev selected, known as the Alpine strawberry, has only two. It also has a shorter reproductive cycle: 14 to 15 weeks. “The trick, which is new, was to find a variety of berry that could be easily transformed, “ said Janet Slovin, an expert on plant development at the United States Department of Agriculture. “Shulaev did that.”

His team also took painstaking steps to improve the transformation process, to yield as many mutant berries as quickly as possible, in other words. To guarantee rapid infection, they used a more aggressive strain of Agrobacterium, the cellular shuttle that introduces foreign DNA into the strawberry genome. They also ensured that very few non-transformed plants slipped through the selection process by using a fierce antibiotc known as hygromycin. In transforming any given species—whether a fruit, vegetable, or slug—the foreign DNA used often confers antiobiotic resistance. That way, selection for successful transformants simply boils down to which individuals surive in the presence of an antibiotic.

“This method’s efficiency is crucial for generating the large numbers of mutants we need to study the function of strawberry genes,” said Slovin, “and it’s a major step in developing a system that will allow scientists to identify commercially important genes, like those that convey health benefits.” Shulaev and his colleagues have paved the way for making a better berry.

Journal Reference: Planta DOI 10.1007/s000425-005-0170-3


Monday, March 13, 2006


Our eyes have been on comets since Aristotle's time; he called them "stars with hair." And now, with the end of space probe Stardust's seven-year mission to Comet Wild 2, scientists are getting their first hands-on look at one of these ancient bodies.

I wrote a light piece on this for NPR's website. You can check it out here, if you like!


Friday, March 10, 2006


Fine-Tuning: Improving Music by Adding Pitch

On March 7th, the New York Times published a sunny review of cochlear implants. The article— Risks Fall, Hopes Rise for Hearing Implants— boasted decreased woes and rising effectiveness for cochlear implant users. Times’ science writer Nicholas Wade said that the story of cochlear implants in the past 20 years “has been an increasing, even surprising, success.” Reconfigured implant models have meant that far fewer patients are contracting meningitis, an infection previously prevalent in implant wearers. In fact, according to a study begun in September, 2002, only 1 out of 3,436 implanted children has had this infection. That’s because manufacters have redesigned implants with smarter seals that minimalize bacterial growth near the brain. Meanwhile, the devices are helping children as young as 1 to develop normal language by the time they are 3 or 4, something never before seen in profoundly deaf youth. Yet amid accolades for implants, those who use them, including 11,000 Americans under the age of 18, are not entirely content with their products. One complaint in particular still lingers: the wonders of Beethoven, Bach, and the Beatles elude implant users. This group can perceive many sounds, including speech, but they cannot clearly hear music.

Music is an especially rich form of sound. In general, sound is introduced into air by a vibrating object, like a guitar string, for example. The vibrating object disturbs the air, or any other medium through which it moves, causing the particles of that medium to move back and forth at a particular frequency. This frequency, when perceived by the brain, is called pitch. Like other sounds, music is composed of pitch, which might be compared to a note, and it is also composed of temporal information, the change in a pitch’s volume over time. Unlike speech, however, music appreciation relies more heavily on the former—on pitch. The range of pitches needed to convey musical sounds is far wider than the range needed to convey frequencies in the human voice. And it is this range that is so severely compromised in implant users, making their music listening experience less colorful.

To grasp what an implant patient might hear, try to imagine your favorite song played entirely with a single note, so that the song changes merely based on that note’s volume. Or, equally unpleasant, consider a song played with only eight notes, when it requires hundreds more. While people who hear normally can perceive pitches numbering into the thousands, people with implants are limited to little more than 20. Their “rainbow” of sound is reduced. It’s as if they were seeing portratis of sunsets painted in yellow and black when such natural wonders would normally require oranges and auburns, golds and yellows, and even hues of red, to be truly appreciated.

These scenarios are analagous to those faced by implant users, and they occur for one reason: people with these devices can only hear as many notes as they have electrodes. Electrodes are the means through which cochlear implants resolve frequencies from the air into information that the brain recognizes as sound. Each electrode—a wire capable of receiving electrical stimuli like that delivered by the speech processer— responds to a set of frequencies yet conveys only a single pitch to the brain. To date, the only way to increase the number of pitches that implants can convey is to increase the number of electrodes.

But unlike the microscopic hair cells that perform a simliar role in a functional ear, electrodes— which signal the hearing nerves and send sounds to the brain—cannot be present in infitnite numbers. Even the most advanced implant available today, Cochlear’s Nucleus Freedom 22, has but 22 of them. That’s because there isn’t much room within the the depths of the inner ear, where the electrode spray nestles, curled about the cochlea like wiry fingers, and any increase in electrode number would require reducing the space between these individual “fingers”. This reduction in space prevents electrodes from stimulating independent sets of nerves. If there are 25 nerves spread along a certain segment of the cochlea, for example, and only two electrodes, electrode 1 can stimulate nerves 1-10 while electrode 2 stimulates 11-20; the implant will register two clear notes. If 2 more electrodes are added however, so that there are 4 wires within the same small cochlear space, the nerve populations being stimulated by those electrodes will likely overlap: electrode 1 might stimulate nerves 1-10, 2 might stimulate 5-14, 3 would stimulate 11-20, and so on, in an overlapping sequence. Since the nerve sets are triggered by more than one signal, they are more frequently active, and so they must also recover from activation more often. This recovery period—known as refractory mode—is a time when nerves are less responsive to stimuli, muddling their ability to send sound to the brain.

A simple solution might seem to be to not use neighboring electrodes, but rather to use 1 and 3 instead of 1 and 2, for example, in hopes of hitting different nerve sets and generating two distinct pitches. However, this assumes that you know which nerves an electrode stimulates, and scientists do not yet know the electrode to nerve pattern.

Since increasing electrode number to improve hearing is not an option, then, implant recipients have had to rely on only 22 separate pitch perceptions to convey music. There are infinitely more than 22 notes in the spectrum of music. A piano, for example, has 88 keys, each representing a different note. And so the cochlear implant seem like a straitjacket; after hearing a sound, the device is forced to choose the pitch that comes closest to that sound’s actual pitch. With only 22 pitches to choose from, though, rarely do the chosen and actual pitches match.

Just when it would seem that electrodes would doom the lives of the deaf to a dim world of 22 notes, however, scientists are proving otherwise. Another way—not yet tried— exists to provide more pitch options, and Leslie Collins, an electrical engineer at Duke University, is being funded by both the NIH and implant manufacturer Cochlear Corporation to study this alternative. “It’s called fine-tuning,” she said, “and a lot of people don’t think it will work, but we do.”

Fine-tuning works not by increasing the number of electrodes, but rather, by increasing the number of available frequencies within each electrode. Right now, implants are designed to allow deaf people to hear speech, but fine tuning will manipulate the available electrodes in the existing versions so that the implants can respond to a broader range of frequencies—frequencies beyond those prominent in the human voice—allowing people to more clearly hear music.

That is not to say that cochlear implants perform a small feat by making 22 notes known to the brain. This process does permit language understanding, and it does so by stimulating electrodes in a fashion that mimicks the way the frequency of a pitch stimulates the cochlea. For each pitch that occurs, a different location within the cochlea resonates. Low pitches affect parts of the cochlea deep within the ear. High pitches stimulate parts father out. In an implant, this is analagous to specific pitches vibrating specific electrodes. Pitches vibrate certain electrodes based on work done by the speech processor, where all the software is located, which sifts through the frequencies that make up a sound and then stimulates electrodes accordingly.

But for each pitch that occurs, something else that effects hearing happens, too. In the hearing ear, not only is a certain location of the cochlea stimulated, but it is stimulated at a pulse, so many beats per second, corresponding to the frequencies in the pitch. This means that for normal listeners, stimulation is a function of both pulse and location. Implants do not take advantage of the method of pulse to affect sound, however. Instead, they use one common rate.

A few years ago, in 2002, biomedical engineer Fan-Gang Zeng at University of California at Irvine experimented with pulse. He used cochlear implants to define the relative contribution of location codes versus pulse codes in pitch perception. Because the two codes vary together as the frequency of sound varies, their relative contribution to pitch has been a topic of continuous debate for over 100 years. It still remains unsettled, however, and cochlear implants provide the perfect opportunity for understanding pitch components because, with them, location can be studied independently of pulse, and vice versa. That’s what Zeng did. He isolated pulse and tested its affect on pitch by changing the stimulus frequency—and using multiple frequencies— on a single electrode pair. He performed tests in people with implants and found that they could detect differences in pitch for frequencies up to roughly 300Hz. These results suggested that 300Hz is the upper boundary of the pulse code for pitch perception. Collins, inspired by Zeng’s initial look into fine-tuning, is investigating whether pulse rate can be added to gain even more benefit, so that ultimately, implant wearers will have more than 22 options.

“Electrodes offer people one pitch. Just one pitch per electrode.” Collins said, “But we want to offer them 2, 4, or even 8, or maybe more than that someday, all within one wire.”

Collins’ goal is to determine the optimal number of frequencies to add to a single electrode to improve music perception. “By designing each channel such that it provides multiple pitch sensations,” Collins said, “we will allow the implant to provide a more accurate pitch estimate. ” With a cochlear implant however, there’s never a guarantee that a frequency vibrating a certain electrode will register a certain note. “Even with rate there to help, you can never assume that kind of accuracy,” Collins said. Furthermore, even with pulse, today’s implant users can only discern frequencies of up to 300 Hz.

Applying pulse does increase pitch options though. “In one electrode, you get a different pitch out of the model for every rate used, up to about 500 pulses per second. You get fine-tuning.” At 50 pp, you may have a C, and then as you increase rate you will get some progression of notes. “You cannot claim you will get c# then d then d# etc,” said Collins “because you cannot necessarily tell 50 pps from 51 pps and so you cannot micromanage the process. There are some discrete rates that you can tell apart— maybe 50, 60, 70, 90, 110, 150 etc—and each of those rates on the same electrode will have a different pitch.” Changing pulses per second doesn’t change the location of the nerve that is stimulated by the electrode. Rather, the same set of nerves is stimulated but it fires at different rate. When it does so, the brain recognizes a new note, depending on pulse.

Collins and her colleagues are not physically working with implants, but with models, and so the frequencies they’re considering are not technically added to electrodes. Instead, they are processed in “channels,” electrical abstractions which exist within the acoustic models on computers in Duke’s labs. Collins’ models process speech in the same manner as a cochlear implant would. However, instead of stimulating the electrodes of an implant user, the speech sound bites processed by these models are presented acoustically to normal-hearing listeners, sitting in labs. “The research lives and dies by the people that are willing to sit here and listen and participate in these sometimes excruciatingly boring experiments,” Collins said. Those people assess quality of speech emering from the computers They assess sounds an implant might convey in a quiet environment, and those from a noisy environment.

In the typical model—one lacking pulse stimulus—one electrode might be selected to represent hundreds of frequencies. The lowest-frequency electrode, for example, might represent 250-350 Hz, and it would be stimulated in an identical manner, in terms of location and pulse, for any frequency within that range. It’s like a cell phone ringing the same ring every number dialing it beginning in “123”. Adding pulse is like adding a caller ID system, however; the phone rings differently for each incoming number, and the phone owner distinguishes these different sounds. When pulse is added, the “ring” changes. If a tone of 250 Hz occurrs, no longer is the pitch percept the same as it would be at 350Hz. Rather, 250 Hz would be associated with a lower pulse rate which would act to lower the pitch percept, “fine-tuning” the sound of the note. And if a tone of 350 Hz occurred, the pulse rate would be increased accordingly.

Collins used pulse models to test 3 levels of frequency tuning. She sought to determine the minimal amount of tuning necessary, or the minimum amount of frequencies to provide, to substantially improve hearing in implant patients.. Collins was surprised to discover that minimal tuning—just 2 frequencies per channel, compared to the standard of 1— was all that was necessary for normal-hearing subjects to notice significant improvement.

Tests are still on-going. Neither Collins nor Zeng have sold their ideas yet, nor have they been implemented in the marketplace. But Cochlear Corporation is funding both of their work, and its website boasts fine-tuning as one of its newest initiatives.

Collins admitted that the idea to focus her lab’s research specifically on improving music listening wasn’t her idea: “I have a couple of students who are extremely enthusiastic about applying this research into fine-tuning to music perception. They are essentially the driving force behind the music work – we had originally been continuing to work in speech but one student in particular is a musician and has an incredible drive to provide better music quality to implant subjects.”
She’s very excited about the implications—and some of the results gathered so far—of her research in fine-tuning, however. “I always tell a story about my Ph.D. research where I was testing out a hypothesis that if I changed the way people’s speech processors were tuned, that I could make them understand speech better. We had done a ton of experiments trying to get the basic data, then we had started to bring in the subjects to test their speech recognition based on what we had measured experimentally. We measured people’s speech recognition using their standard speech processing algorithm, then reprogrammed their speech processor based on the data and the hypothesis. I turned on the new processor for one of the subjects, and before I could even get one subject into the sound proof booth to measure his speech recognition, he turned to me and with this amazing light in his eyes said “Oh my gosh, this sounds so much better!” When we measured his ability to understand sentences, his recognition had gone up by something like 50%. I was basically hooked from that day forward.” Collins has been studying improving sound for implant patients ever since. “The most exciting thing for me,” she said, “is thinking that you might actually be able to help these folks understand speech and appreciate music just a little better.”

Meanwhile, Collins is aware that some patients could be receptive to this new technology, but others may not be. They’ve found variability between patients in their studies at Duke. “No one knows what it is based on,” she said. “My sense with implant subjects is that it is always variable – some do great already, and you can’t help them. Some do very poorly already, and you can’t help them. This is probably going to be the most effective for the middle of the road people, although it may improve the ‘quality’ of speech and music even for those that are already doing well. I guess we will just have to wait and see.”


Monday, March 06, 2006


Two Thymuses Are Better Than One

By Meagan White
ScienceNOW Daily News
2 March 2006

Mice have a trick up their sleeve--or rather in their neck: a second thymus. The original thymus, nestled under the breastbone, churns out infection-fighting T cells. Now scientists have found that, at least in mice, this additional thymus has the same function. The finding raises the prospect of a confounding factor in immunological studies in mice, and perhaps humans.

In the early 1960s, Jacques Miller, the so-called "father of the thymus," noticed that when he removed the multilobed organ from mouse chests, the animals retained some of their immune functions. This suggested to him that mice had thymus tissue elsewhere in their bodies. Just a few years later, Lloyd Law and colleagues at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, proved Miller right, finding an extra, single-lobed thymus concealed below cervical muscles in the lower necks of mice. No one bothered to see whether this extra thymus actually worked, however, because scientists believed it was too small to have any immune benefits.

Now, immunologist Hans-Reimer Rodewald and his colleagues at the University of Ulm in Germany, have discovered that in certain strains of mice, the second thymus is as good as the first. While studying immune disorders in BALB/c mice, a strain deficient in T cell production, the researchers stumbled across the cervical thymus. To prove that this structure was indeed an extra thymus, the team genetically modified the mice to express fluorescent molecules in thymus tissue. Sure enough, the spare thymus lit up.

But did it work? Rodewald's team decided to graft the spare thymus into immunodeficient mice. When the researchers inoculated the rodents with hepatitis B particles, the mice mounted the same type and strength of immune response seen in healthy animals. That means a second thymus organ could contribute to the health of a mouse in other experimental settings, such as after surgery that removes the thymus, the team reports online today in Science. And that may explain why, in some studies, researchers have continued to find T cells in mice, even after the thymus had been excised, says Rodewald.

Cervical thymus tissue has been observed in some humans as well, but scientists had assumed that this too had no function. Daniel Littman, immunologist at New York University School of Medicine, speculates that it might: "During cardiac surgery in children, the thymus is often removed, and yet there is no known detrimental effect on the immune system," he says. "This is obviously something that will need to be evaluated."



"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air..."

"They say the sea is cold,
but the sea contains
the hottest blood of all,
and the wildest, the most urgent."
-DH Lawrence

Woolacombe, England.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


~Beautiful Adversary~

If it can beat me, I will win.
And that means you win, too.
It must beat us both and well
For me to dance with you.

It must faster push my pulse
Than it's been pushed before.
Must race me fast in evening dark;
My loss will make me sure.

And when it leaves me trembling-hot
Near wind-blown field or sea
I'll shudder-smile in moonlight rays;
I'll know it's meant to be.

Poise of one who speeds my heart
To paces beyond norm
Is soul I'll share my heart with now-
In thrill of heartbeat storm.



“After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are always artists as well.” -- Albert E

I aspire.