Monday, April 10, 2006

Thesis Words

Woo! April 10th, 2006, and the Master's thesis is done! It's about 40+ pages-- a bit too long to blog, but feel free to inquire within if you might like to read some/all. Here's the lay of the land, as far as sections:

· Dubious Benefits: Cochlear Implants in Question
· Defining the Critical Period: Cochlear Implants Restore Auditory Nerve
· From Impulse to Instrument: How Cochlear Implants Came to Be
· Fine Tuning: Improving Music by Adding Pitch
· Hybrid Implants: Better Hearing on the Horizon
· Twice As Good: Bilateral Implants for Adrean Mangiardi
· BAHA in Baltimore: How John Niparko Inserts Bone Anchored Hearing Aids

I owe many thanks to Hopkins neuroscientist David K. Ryugo. I surely would not have always known quite where to turn without him!